
100 North Main Street
O'Fallon, MO 63366
Phone: 636-379-5532
Email: [email protected]

©2018-2021 City of O'Fallon, Missouri

Workforce Development

O’Fallon’s well-educated workforce supports a flourishing, diverse mix of industries, attracting Fortune 500 companies like Citi, McKesson Pharmaceutical and Mastercard to invest in this focused, business-minded community.
CrownCountywide Labor

Labor Force




Unemployment Rate

Source:  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, January 2022

A Diverse Economy

O’Fallon’s robust economic picture is supported by a well-educated and well-trained workforce employed in healthcare, manufacturing, business and financial services. O’Fallon’s top categories of workforce by industry are shown below.

Workforce by Top Industry
St. Charles County



Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2019 American Community Survey

Workforce Development Resources

On-the-Job Training

On-the-Job Training (OJT) provides cost savings for firms by assisting with occupational training costs to prepare new employees for company positions. Businesses participating in this program can be reimbursed for up to 50% of the wages of workers that are hired through the program (up to 1,040 hours). For more information, consider reading Missouri Job Center of St. Charles County’s OJT brochure.

St. Charles County’s Department of Workforce & Business Development

St. Charles County’s Department of Workforce & Business Development operates the Missouri Job Center of St. Charles County. Employer and job-seeker services include job postings, in-house computer training classes, monthly job fairs, conference and meeting rooms, video teleconferencing, audio-video equipment, rapid response and much more.

Higher Education
Nationally-recognized universities offer an array of top educational programs

O’Fallon benefits from our proximity to nationally-recognized higher education institutions that support technical training as well as continuing education. Eight higher education institutions in the St. Louis Region were included on the ‘America’s Top Colleges’ list by Forbes Magazine. O’Fallon is positioned to attract the region’s highly-skilled workforce.

O'Fallon Chamber team

Community Partners

Community Partners

Arrows in target

Open in the 'O' Program

Open in the 'O' Program

Arrows in target

Targeted Industries

Targeted Industries

$100 bills partners, workforce, targeted

Taxes and Incentives

Taxes and Incentives

Solar farm in North O'Fallon

Transportation and Infrastructure

Transportation and Infrastructure

O'Fallon logo