
100 North Main Street
O'Fallon, MO 63366
Phone: 636-379-5532
Email: [email protected]

©2018-2021 City of O'Fallon, Missouri

Community Data

Economically, the City of O’Fallon’s overall picture is bright. With a population of more than 91,000, the community continues to grow steadily. O’Fallon’s well-educated and well-trained labor force has a median age of 37 years and a median household income of $90,025.
Machine parts, sparks

Employment by Industry

Employment by Industry

Factory workers talking employment, labor and statistics.

Labor Force

Labor Force

Statistics show healthcare has high employment and a deep labor pool.

Population and Demographics

Population and Demographics

Demographics flyer employment

Printable Data Sheet (PDF)

Printable Data Sheet (PDF)

Main street O'Fallon is a source of employment, labor and statistics.

Traffic Counts

Traffic Counts

Information technology is a source of employment and labor in O'Fallon.

Wage Statistics

Wage Statistics

O’Fallon Fact: O’Fallon has been recognized as one of the top 100 safest cities in the nation by the National Council of Home Safety and Security, which listed O’Fallon, Missouri, as one of the “100 Safest Cities in America 2017.” O’Fallon is the only Missouri city named on the report.